Hadleigh Town Council


Sections marked * are essential; please fill out the remaining sections as much as you are able. 

Please indicate which of the eight criteria you consider the nominated heritage asset fulfils & why. The property evaluation will be based upon these. Guidance is given in each of the boxes but you should type your own text in whichever are appropriate. 

If you have any old photographs/documents relevant to the nominated heritage asset
please attach them to an email to secretary@hadsoc.org.uk 
Please list any attachments in the box at the bottom of this form. 

Alternatively, completed paper forms can be sent to
The Secretary,
The Hadleigh Society
c/o 6 Lister Road, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5JN

If you send photographs please send copies not originals as their return cannot be guaranteed. If you can, send by e-mail, as above.