Welcome to the proposed Hadleigh Local List. If you want to understand more about local lists then you might like to read the introduction first. Otherwise check the guidance below and then explore the list. At the very bottom is the opportunity for you to submit a new entry.
You can change the number of entries listed by setting the ‘Show entries’ drop-down below on the left. If you set it to 100 you will get the full list. Entries are presented in increasing distance from the town centre.
You can search for a particular word. The box on the right finds it anywhere in the list. The boxes below each column just search that column. For instance, if you want all the entries in a street, type the street name in the box below the address column.
If there are further entries you can show them by pressing the buttons at the bottom of the list (Previous 1 2 … Next).
All of the entries in the displayed list are positioned on the map below as red markers.
For each entry in the list you can click in the address box on the left to see extra details. You can then click on ‘All pictures’ or ‘Footnotes’to see these. If you wish to comment on that entry, click the ‘Email comment..’ link to send an email to us.
Address | Name | Description | Image | All pictures | Footnotes | Email comment on this entry | AssetLatitude | AssetLongtitude | PostCode | Function | AssetID | Distance |
Address | Name | Description | Image | All pictures | Footnotes | Email comment on this entry | AssetLatitude | AssetLongtitude | PostCode | Function | AssetID | Distance |